Reagan was born 10 weeks early and was diagnosed as having congenital myopathy. Congenital myopathy is a term for any muscle disorder present at birth. This defect of either the brain, stimulating nerve, or muscle causes weakness throughout the skeletal muscle. Congenital myopathies account for one of the top neuromuscular disorders in the world today, comprising approximately 6 in 100,000 live births every year. Reagan was very sick at birth and spent 3 months in the NICU. She had a g-tube put in before she was able to go home in order to ensure she was getting the proper nutrition, she was able to get her g-tube removed as she grew. Reagan was also born with hydrocephalus, water on the head, which is typically treated by inserting a shunt, however Reagan has been progressing so well her doctors do not believe a shunt is necessary at this time.
Reagan is now a 5 year old precious little girl who loves Cinderella. Her congenital myopathy effects her muscles, she tires very easily but if she does not continue to use her muscles she may loose her strength. Reagan’s lungs are effected by her disorder and she has a hole in her heart. Despite all of her health struggles Miss Reagan shows such an incredible strength and is doing really well. She will continue to see several doctors and specialists at Children’s Hospital Central California to make sure she continues to thrive.