Kathryn was born at 23 weeks and was a triplet. Her two sisters did not survive. She weighed 1 pound 1 ounce and was cared for at Valley Children’s Hospital in the NICU for four and a half months. At two days old she suffered a right grade four and left grade three brain bleed. She developed hydrocephalus and has scarring on her brain. She is dependent on a shunt to help the fluid in her brain communicate. At age two she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia which affected her legs only. As a result of the brain bleeds and hydrocephalus, she has a vision impairment, speech delays, and requires leg braces and a walker to get around. She attends a special day class at a local elementary school where she received Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Kathryn is a beautiful, bubbly, feisty little girl. She has touched our lives in so many ways and is very loved!
photography by Carina Dunmore