Sweet Nectar Society



Jaelyn : Shaken Baby Syndrome

Jaelyn has Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) which was caused by extreme physical abuse by her birth parents.  Often times SBS is fatal or causes brain damage resulting in lifelong disabilities.   Jaelyn was first seen in the emergency room at 2 weeks of age with four broken ribs. She was sent home only to return less than two months later with traumatic brain injury.  Jaelyn was placed in foster care with an amazing family who made the loving choice to make Jaelyn their own.

Jaelyn was not expected to make it out of her three month stay in the hospital and if she did, she was only given a 5% chance of living in a vegetative state. This miracle child has surpassed all odds and is crawling and able to pull herself up to stand.  Jaelyn had cortical vision impairment but amazingly is now able to track things and make eye contact.

Jaelyn is unable to talk or walk  but that does not stop her from being Jaelyn.  She is a happy, loving child with a heart of gold and is adored by her parents and 3 other adopted siblings.

photography by Brittany Wilbur

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California