Sweet Nectar Society



Gavin : Cystic Fibrosis

Gavin is all BOY- running, jumping, and playing super heroes are some of his favorite things. At the tender age of 4 weeks, Gavin was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a life threatening disorder and one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults. Gavin is followed by an amazing team of doctors at Children’s Hospital Central California and seen for check ups every two to three months and requires “tune-ups” which are extended stays in the hospital to administer IV treatments for his CF. He has been hospitalized three times. During his first stay it was discovered that Gavin also had a heart condition called coarctation of the descending aorta, basically a narrowing of the aorta which does not allow adequate blood flow to his lower extremities or organs. Gavin had corrective heart surgery in August 2013 and is currently recovering well.Gavin_01 Gavin_03 Gavin_02 Gavin_04 Gavin_07 Gavin_06

photography by Brittany Wilbur

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California