A sweet reflection from Everett’s momma, Kathleen:
“Our little Everett was born July 7th, 2011, he was 3 days late. The only reason we went to the hospital that day was because Everett hadn’t been very active and we wanted to make sure he was doing ok. A few hours later we were having an emergency c-section because his heart rate was dropping. He didn’t make a sound when they took him out. I didn’t even get to see him before they rushed him off to the NICU. After a few hours a doctor came up to tell us Everett needed to be rushed to the Children’s Hospital to be on a stronger breathing machine. He also told us Everett had some “unique features”. The way his nose looked, how his eyes were a little too far apart, how his ears were a little low. He wouldn’t come out and say it but we knew what it meant, Down syndrome. It took 2 weeks of breathing machines and 4 more weeks working on feeding before we finally got to bring him home. What we’ve really found amazing though since having Everett is the amount of support there is from the Down syndrome community. The future seemed somewhat bleak before we started meeting other parents, going to groups and events and realizing that we’re actually going to have a pretty exciting adventure ahead of us. We can’t wait to see what each new day brings. ”
Music licensed by Song Freedom :: "Must Be" by Cyra Morgan
Photography by Brittany Wilbur