Sweet Nectar Society



Xavier :: Down Syndrome, cancer survivor

We met sweet little Xavier at Camp Agape Kids’n’Cancer family camp this spring. He is a remarkable little dude who had down syndrome and has overcome leukemia A.L.L. He really enjoyed playing with the bright yellow balloons during his session.

Hematologic malignancies such as leukemia are more common in children with DS. In particular, acute lymphoblastic leukemiais at least 10 times more common in DS and themegakaryoblastic form of acute myelogenous leukemia is at least 50 times more common in DS.

Natalia | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Natalia is a spunky, smiley, hilarious little princess who, like most little girls, LOVES dresses and painting her nails. During her session Natalia twirled and dances around with such joy, Pure joy. Natalia is a big sister to a new baby girl and I know she is going to teach her to twirl with the best of ’em. Natalia was diagnosed in January 2012 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and is currently undergoing the maintenance phase of chemo therapy. She was able to start kindergarden this year and loves going to school. We pray she continues to stay healthy and beats this nasty cancer! MORE INFORMATION ABOUT A.L.L.

photography by Brittany Wilbur

music licensed by SongFreedom: FM Pilots | Brighter



Alivia : Neurofibromatosis

Written by the parents of Alivia:

Our sweet, fun, goofy, spirited, loving Alivia is a 3-year old who has rocked our worlds. She brings incredible joy to our family and fullness to our lives. We have many prayers for her, but one in particular that stands out the most. We want Neurofibromatosis (NF) to go away.

Alivia  was diagnosed with NF when she was just  months old. We began to wonder what was going on when many, many light brown birth marks, those we now call cafe au lait spots,  started appearing all over her body. Those seemingly harmless birth marks opened the flood gates to what we today know to be NF.

NF can cause tumors, often inoperable, to form anywhere a nerve exists in the body. That’s pretty much anywhere – inside and out. From large, painful, disfiguring tumors growing inside the body to tiny, itchy tumors on the surface of the skin to potentially blinding tumors on the optic nerve and anywhere in between, NF can cause a myriad of problems or little at all. It is a cruelly unpredictable, progressive disorder that impacts each and every person differently. Research is advancing but there is no cure.

NF occurs in one in 3,000 births. Fifty percent of all cases are passed on from parent to child while the other 50 percent are spontaneous twists of fate that happen at conception. Alivia’s occurrence was the latter. To say we were caught off guard by her diagnosis is an understatement. We were devastated.

As Christian believers we surrender our worries to God and trust that no matter what Alivia’s future holds that she will always be safe in His arms. As imperfect people we take back that worry,  hold our breath for the what ifs and carry a heavy heart for the many families struggling daily with NF. The only thing we know to do is to hope, pray, trust God, raise awareness and connect with others impacted by NF.

We are grateful for the beautiful pictures from Sweet Nectar Society and thankful for the opportunity it gives us to create more awareness around NF.

For more information on NF visit CTF.org.

photography by Brittany Wilbur

music licensed by SongFreedom | The Great Romance : Live for Today

Oliver :: Langerhan Cell Histiositosis

Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a disorder in which excess immune system cells called Langerhans cells build up in the body. Langerhans cells, normally assist in regulating the immune system, and are normally found throughout the body, especially in the skin, lymph nodes, spleen, lungs, liver, and bone marrow. In Langerhans cell histiocytosis, excess immature Langerhans cells can and usually do form tumors called granulomas. Langerhans cell histiocytosis is not generally considered to be a form of cancer, but the form that Olly has actually is. You wouldn’t know it meeting him though, he is an energetic little boy with an amazing built in support system within his three loving siblings and parents.



Photography by Brittany Wilbur and Carrie Anne Miranda

Song licensed by Song Freedom:  Someday- Rob Thomas

Kieran :: Sysetamatic Lupus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. This leads to long-term (chronic) inflammation. Kieran is a lovely young lady with a gentle spirit who is affected by Lupus. Despite the pain and other symptoms Lupus creates, Kieran lives life to the fullest. She loves to sing and dance and hang in out with her brothers and sisters. Kieran’s older sister Alanis joined us for her photo shoot and it was so heart warming to see them laugh and loving each other. Kieran’s advice to anyone struggling is “Stay strong and trust in God.”



Photography by Brittany Wilbur

Music licensed by Song Freedom |  Colbie Caillat, brighter than sunshine


Madelene :: Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy

Madelene’s parents feels blessed each day they have their family together. Mady was diagnosed with axonal peripheral neuropathy and recently hospitalized for chronic lung disease. During her hospitalization Mady was intubated, and two days later she stopped breathing. This was her families worst nightmare, but thankfully doctors and specialists at Children’s Hospital Central California moved quickly giving this sweetie a tracheostomy, feeding tube and ultimately saving her life. Madelene continues to go to physical therapy in order to improve and maintain her muscle strength. Madelene is able to raise her hands and legs against gravity which is an amazing accomplishment for Miss Mady.


Photography by Brittany Wilbur

Music licensed by Song Freedom |  APM : Dream

Joey :: microcephaly, cerebral palsy, cortex visual impairment, global developmentally delayed

Joe is a sweet little boy that was adopted at 18 months old. He is diagnosed with microcephaly, cerebral palsy, cortex visual impairment, global developmentally delayed, and was considered failure to thrive. His mom said, “It was like getting a 16 pound newborn who was unable to do anything except suck his thumb.” Joey was given a new chance at life when he was placed into an environment that encouraged progress and he is now thriving beyond anyones expectations. Joey is not five years old and adores life. He has a beautiful spirit and contagious smile. Joey’s family says he has brought more love and joy into their family than words could ever say… I hope these pictures give you glimpse of this special little guy.

Photography by Brittany Wilbur Photography

Music licensed by SongFreedom | Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band : Explorer

Amari :: Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) | Cerebral Palsy

Amari turned 5 years old this September. At six months old she was diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), shortly after her initial diagnosis it was confirmed she has cerebral palsy and complete hearing loss in her right ear.

Congenial cytomegalovirus is a virus that can cause birth defects and developmental disabilities such as deafness, blindness, cerebral palsy, mental and physical disables, and seizures. CMV is the most common viral cause of birth defects, one in every one hundred fifty children are born with CMV. It is important to educate yourself on CMV prevention, if you’d like to learn more please check out this fact sheet on CMV.

Amari’s parents were at first taken back with their baby girls diagnosis, they wanted to do everything in their power to make her better. It did not take long for them to realize Amari would be the one helping them; she has taught them strength, courage and what dedication truly means. Amari is an amazing young girl who gives everything she has to achieve her goals. Her parents are so proud to have such an exceptional child and cherish each day with their little blessing. 

Photography by Brittany Wilbur and Carrie Anne Miranda

Music licensed by SongFreedom

Aroura :: Acute Myeliod Leukemia (AML)

Aroura is a beautiful 6 year old little girl whose eyes sparkle brighter than the stars in the sky. Aroura is a loving big sister who also adores animals, especially her grey kitty whose photos decorate her hospital room walls. Aroura was recently diagnosed with Acute Myeliod Leukemia and has begun chemo therapy at Children’s Hospital Central California. When doctors told Aroura she would be loosing her hair it was very hard for this princess to understand. Her mom said she has only had her hair cut twice since birth. When she began to see her hair thin and start to fall out  she decided it was time to shave her hair. Aroura has shown amazing strength in this decision and has embraced her new beautiful bald style.


Photography by Brittany Wilbur 

Music licensed by Song Freedom :: Ian Britt – Believe


Savanah :: Down Syndrome

Spunky Sweetheart | Savanah is an inspiration to all who meet her and she has spent the past 5 years surpassing all expectations. She just graduated from preschool which was a very proud moment for her family. Savanah has two younger sisters who she adores and loves to teach the ways of this world, including:  ABC’s, coloring, and teaching them all of the colors of the rainbow. Savanah has brought many blessings to her family and we LOVE her playful spirit.


Photography by Brittany Wilbur and Carrie Anne Miranda

Music Licensed by SongFreedom.com | Whitton :: I Feel in Love

Lorena :: Rhabdomyosarcoma

Lorena is a beautiful 4th grader who just celebrated her 9th birthday! Lorena relapsed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, cancerous (malignant) tumor of the muscles that are attached to the bones. Doctors say Lorena’s cancer is terminal but she does not let this prognosis slow her down. Enjoy all 4th grade has to offer her and happy to be around her new friends.

Words cannot express the love we have for Miss Lorena. Her spirit shines through the darkest situations and she continues to inspire all around her.


Photography by Brittany Wilbur and Carrie Anne Miranda

Music licensed by SongFreedom | Hannah Christianson | A Hundred Hearts

Khloe :: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Khloe is still in the process of fighting her leukemia with chemotherapy and hospital vistis, she is a brave little girl with a strong will and a beautiful smile. Her parents spent most of this year in the hospital with  Khloe since being diagnosed in April.  Khloe continues to have her ups and downs and still has a long fight ahead of her but doctors have a very positive outlook for Khloe’s future and recovery!



Photography by: Carrie Anne Miranda Photography
Music licensed by Song Freedom : The Temptations- My Girl

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California