Meet Kylee!
Kylee is the sweetest and happiest little girl! She loves the beach, bubbles, Peppa Pig and she is a huge fan of her sister! Kylee loves animals, especially horses and is a proud horseback rider at “The Heart Of The Horse Therapy Ranch”. Kylee attends physical, occupational, and speech therapy, along with visits to other specialists on a regular basis. She is currently learning to walk, talk and is becoming a social butterfly! When Kylee was born she was not thriving, after multiple tests and scans she was diagnosed with a vary rare genetic disorder. Kylee is only the 19th person in the world to be diagnosed with 15q24 micro deletion syndrome. Kylee has had 10 different surgeries and will continue to have more in the future. She was born with several birth defects including her brain, spine, heart, lungs, intestines, and other vital organs. She was born with a terrible defect in her diagrams that allows her stomach and intestines to protrude into her chest this has caused her heart to live on the right side of her chest and one lung not to fully develop.