Sweet Nectar Society



Naima :: Rhabdoid Tumor

Naima was diagnosed with Rhabdoid Tumor of the kidney (a very aggressive tumor) in December 2012. She had surgery to remove one kidney along with the tumor and has completed 7 of her 10 rounds of chemo. Naima had to stop her chemo treatment due to a fungal infection on her cheek which required significant surgery to remove. Naima will continue appointments with her nephrologist to monitor the damage done to her kidney- caused by the intense treatment.

Naima loves to dance, this girl has moves!  We adored our session with this SWEETIE and pray for health and happiness!  For more information on Rhabdoid Tumor please visit these links:
Dana Farber Cancer Instatute
National Cancer Instatute

photography by Brittany Wilbur & Carrie Anne Miranda

Milana :: Hodgkins Lymphoma

Milana was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Tuesday April 16, 2013. She started with back pains, fevers and chills late January early February. She had been in and out of Kaiser doing blood work and testing and she was diagnosed with spots on her lungs so they thought she had Valley Fever, so she was given medication for 15 days. Milana finished the 15 days worth of medication and she went back to the doctor and her mother explained that the medication was giving her nausea, doctors still had not figured out what was going on with Milana and one of the doctors that was treating her was still puzzled and recommended that Milana she should see a pulmonary specialist. The pulmonary specialist examined her neck and felt the swollen Lymph Nodes. The pulmonologist recommended to Milana’s parents to have a Bronchoscopy done, but nothing was found. Three days later Milana and her Dad went back to see another specialist and they recommended to do a biopsy of her lymphnode and take the whole thing out. One week later they did the biopsy of her lymph node and four days after that she was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. April 23, 2013 she was sent to CHCC to receive her first session of Chemotherapy. Milana is now in remission and hopes to go to college and possibly one day be a nurse to help children going through the same battles that she endured herself!

Photography by: Carrie Anne Miranda

Teagan :: SMARD Type 1

Teagan Rose was born a healthy little girl on May 03, 2009 with no sign of disease other than slightly inverted feet. Weighing in at 8 pounds 11 ounces there was no thought that a genetic defect lay within. At approximately 8 months old she started having difficulty eating and at times full out refused. This was when she had her first visit to Valley Children’s Hospital of Central California. Soon after she had a surgical placation of her diaphragm and went home. Less than a month later she started refusing to eat again and her breathing became labored, thus she returned to the hospital. (Doctors where stumped and could not figure out what was really going on to cause her muscle degeneration. It would be six months before the answer was found.) She then, at 10 months, had a tracheotomy and was placed on permanent Ventilator support. Soon after that she also received a g-tube (button) for direct feeding to the stomach. She then remained at Children’s Hospital until she was 13 months old. Two weeks after she went home the diagnosis was delivered. SMARD type 1 a very rare genetic disorder from the muscular dystrophy family with approximately 60 known patients world wide. From the time she went home at 13 months she did very well and grew at a slow but steady pace but never gaining proper weight. She had never gotten the muscle strength to walk or crawl and was limited by her machines on movement. Then about a year ago she started very randomly getting sick to her stomach and was unable to keep her food down. She had been in and out of the hospital at least monthly until late June of last year at which point she had been a resident of Valley Children’s Hospital. Though the doctors had called in consultation they were unable to find a course of treatment that would be able to give her a longer life without causing more life threatening problems than she already faced. Teagan passed away October 5, 2013 at just 4 years old surrounded by her loving family.

For more information on Teagan’s condition click HERE to read up on SMARD Type 1.

Photography by: Carrie Anne Miranda Photography

Heavyn :: Neuroblastoma

Heavyn was diagnosed with Stage 3 Neuroblastoma at the age of three. She enjoys singing and dancing and everything girly. Heavyn is currently undergoing vigorous treatments to control and battle her cancer. Join us in wishing this little sweetie the very best!

 MORE INFO on Neuroblastoma.

Photography by Brittany Wilbur

Music licensed by SongFreedom  “Smile” by Joshua Logan and Kelsey

Dani & Brenda :: Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, A.D.D./A.D.H.D.

Dani and Brenda are twins that were born at 24 weeks.  Brenda weighed 1.9oz. and Dani weighed 1.10oz. at birth.  Both girls were not expected to live.  Each of the girls face their struggles; using braces to help them walk, wears glasses, attends speech, physical and occupational therapy, and both girls attend a special needs school program.  Dani and Brenda both suffer from COPD which will keep them on steroids for life.

Dani and Brenda’s family participate in the March of Dimes and Hydrocephalus Association Walk to show their support for the girls. For more information on how you can participate please visit the March of Dimes or  Hydrocephalus Association’s websites.

photography by Brittany Wilbur and Erin Erin Pasillas

Jayce :: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Jayce was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia at just 10 months. After several months of colds and breathing problems, and several different trips to the doctor and emergency rooms Jayce was referred to CHCC. They immediately found AML as the cause of his ailments. His treatments included 6 months of intense chemotherapy treatments and he is now at City of Hope and just received his bone marrow transplant.  He will be at the hospital for several months as his body adjusts to this procedure.

Photography by Carrie Anne Miranda

Isai :: Severe Developmental Delays

Isai was born a healthy little one, but at three weeks old he acquired meningitis. He was hospitalized for two months and then was able to return home to his loving family of Mom, Dad, and sister. He remained home for only one week and needed to return to CHCC for another month and a half. He has been in and out of the hospital most of his life, with some very serious scares…but continues to put a smile on everyone’s face that he comes in contact with! Isai is a student of the Lori Ann Infant Program.

Photography by Erin Pasillas

Sophia : Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Being told “your child has leukemia” is something no parent is ever prepared for. In November 2011 Sophia went from being an energetic little girl to being sick all of the time. After visiting the doctor for what was thought to be a cold, Sophia’s parents were shocked when doctors broke the news that their daughter had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Sophia is currently in remission and undergoing maintenance chemotherapy. Her family is thankful for the support from family, their church and for the miracle of modern medicine.

Photography by: Erin Pasillas Photography

Carma : Astrocytoma (Brain Tumor)

Carma was diagnosed with Astrocytoma in 2012 after many doctors visits and tests to find out what was going on with her little body. She has had to visit both CHCC and CHLA to coordinate with doctors the best treatment options for her care. She has lots of love and support at home with her big sister and two parents who all adore her.

To find out more about Astrocytoma click HERE

Photography by: Carrie Anne Miranda Photography

Hunter : Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Hunter was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in February 2013.  He is currently undergoing weekly treatments.

“What is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia” Information from The American Cancer Society:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), also called acute lymphoblastic leukemia, is a cancer that starts from white blood cells called lymphocytes in the bone marrow (the soft inner part of the bones, where new blood cells are made).

Leukemia cells usually invade the blood fairly quickly. They can then spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and testicles (in males). Other types of cancer also can start in these organs and then spread to the bone marrow, but these cancers are not leukemia.

The term “acute” means that the leukemia can progress quickly, and if not treated, would probably be fatal within a few months. Lymphocytic means it develops from early (immature) forms of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. This is different from acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which develops in other blood cell types found in the bone marrow.


Photography by Brittany Wilbur
Music Licensed by SongFreedom | “This Kind Of Love” by Sister Hazel


Andrew : Hirschsprung’s Disease

Andrew’s Story shared by his mom:

Andrew was born 12-21-2007 in Seattle Washington and immediately rushed to Seattle Children’s Hospital NICU where they confirmed Hirschsprung’s Disease (complicated to explain, googling it would be best, but it’s where the colon doesn’t develop right and he had to have 8″ removed for him to be able to stool ‘normally’.) He had his first surgery at 8 days old, and soon after started stooling normally. After he stabilized and stopped getting repeated intestinal infections, we were discharged (after almost a month and a half in the hospital) and for 10 months everything was great in terms of his heath.

At 10 months old up through last October, he started getting more and more infections (enterocolitis and cdiff), each time damaging his colon and slowing down his already slow motility. By last October we knew something was very wrong again, he was pooping 1/2″ ribbons instead of normal stools, and they were literally burning the skin off of his bottom and were NOT normal in appearance. Life was miserable while we ran test after test, tried cream after cream, and did everything we could to try to help him and keep him comfortable. It started to take 2 people to change his diaper (his issues make it impossible to toilet train him), one to pin him down and one to clean and change.

In December of last year Andrew got the flu, and with his system already moving things through so slowly, it led to a bacterial overgrowth in his small intestine, which produced so much gas his colon blew up like a balloon. By March we finally pinned down the diagnosis, but by then he had to have a cecostomy button placed so we could flush out his colon from top to bottom and basically force him to empty, as he’d lost all ability to stool or even pass gas on his own. The button was too late to help at first, as having the bacterial overgrowth go untreated for so long his colon was too weak to pass even saline down and out to clean him. Although we’d already had 5 hospitalizations by then alone trying to help him, we still ended up spending all of April out at Stanford, because by that point he was literally being starved to death, we just couldn’t get rid of the bacteria that was stealing all of his oral nutrition and in turn producing gas that was weakening his colon further (because with his tightening sphincter he couldn’t toot the gas out), and further diminishing his appetite. You could see every bone in his body, he was smaller than my 2 year old, yet his belly was gargantuan. However by the end of April we had his cecostomy flushes working, his sphincter relaxed with the help of botox (allowing the flushes to come through instead of holding them  back) and after some hard core nutritional therapy he was stable enough to go home, but has been on a feeding tube ever since, as he still just won’t eat enough on his own. He’s at a good weight now but every time we do a test to see if he can graduate from needing the nighttime feeds, he stalls and loses weight again, though more slowly each time so eventually he shouldn’t need the feeding tube anymore.

Our joy at being released after a month and thinking with his flushes working that we were home free was short lived, as within a month we were fighting that bacteria AGAIN. By this time we got the name of a fantastic local surgeon, Dr. Allshouse, up at Valley Children’s, and Allshouse specializes in kids like Andrew who have numerous bowl problems.

He has been amazing and Andrew’s been steadily improving ever since, though despite Allshouse’s best efforts Andrew has been hospitalized every other month since for varying reasons, had several more surgeries, now has a gastrostomy button as well (we call him the bionic boy lovingly, and he thinks it’s an awesome nickname!)

Andrew also has a condition called neurogenic bladder. It takes many forms, and while most it means an overactive bladder, for Andrew it means that he can’t feel the growing need to ‘go’. This, combined with the many many necessary uses of strong pain meds that have the unfortunate side effect of inhibiting his ability to fully empty his bladder, means he now has a bladder that reaches up above his belly button, several times the normal size. Although he will eventually grow into the size of his bladder (roughly adult size), he will never regain the ability to feel the need to go until he is already dangerously full, which presents a reasonable risk of rupture if he were to bump into something or fall.

Photography by Brittany Wilbur

Mia : Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

During the summer of 2012, after spending weeks in Children’s Hospital Central California due to unexplained high fevers, Mia’s blood levels dropped, her body went into shock and she had a major seizure that put her into a coma.  Mia was then diagnosed with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). After being in a coma for two weeks she slowly woke up.  It was a very long recovery for Mia.  Mia’s family was told their little girl would never walk or talk again.  Mia underwent months of chemo and recently had her medaport removed.
Mia overcame these obstacles and is currently thriving- against all odds Mia is walking, running, talking and starting 1st grade.  Mia’s parents and little bro Noah are such amazing people who have encouraged and loved miss Mia every step of the way.  We absolutely love this SWEET family and are so thankful to have been given the opportunity to spend time with them.

Photography by Brittany Wilbur

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California