Sweet Nectar Society



Elijahray : Down Syndrome

Meet Elijahray! Eli loves anything involving animals, nature, and being outdoors. He quickly lit up when he was able to run around the park, play with the bubbles and silly string, and throw the ball back and forth within mom- this kid has quite the arm!

Elijahray was born with down syndrome and has sensory integration disorder- this makes it difficult for Eli to process new places, loud noises, to many lights, etc. Typically, a photoshoot would bring on some anxiety, however, we were able to capture him his element and it was all fun for Eli to have the spotlight.

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Wyatt : Down Syndrome

Wyatt’s is a little boy filled with wonder, belly laughs and smiles galore.  He has a sense of adventure and is filled with energy. Wyatt’s favorite place to be is in the yard playing with his big sister, and from the looks of these pictures- flying high may be a close second! His family is surrounded by an amazing support system which is apparent each year as they sport their ‘Super Wy’ team garb at the Down Syndrome Association’s Step Up to Down Syndrome event. It is clear to see that “Down syndrome” is not a burden but a journey they walk together.
Wyatt’s family is blessed to have such an amazing little boy in there lives!


photography by Brittany Wilbur

Leela : Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Leela was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of 14. She immediately began treatment and she did not hesitate to cut off her long long hair and donate to others. This last year has been extremely hard, yet she always seems to keep smiling! Her optimistic attitude continually amazes us! Leela is very creative. She loves to sing and play the ukulele, and has even written her own song, she also loves to paint. These have been good outlets for her. Over the last year Leela has found so many things to be thankful for! Her hope, courage, and strength have inspired us and many other people.
It was an absolute pleasure photographing Leela, her free spirit and beautiful bright smile stand out in every shot. Please join Sweet Nectar Society in encouraging Leela and her family!

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 photography by Brittany Wilbur

Noah : Brain Stem Tumor, Hydrocephalus

Noah is a sweet boy who loves science experiments. Noah was diagnosed with his brain tumor at the age of 2 and a half. Due to the location, and that it has nerves and fibers growing throughout it, it is something he will always have to deal with. Noah has weakness of his right side, coordination problems, sleep apnea, swallowing issues, and many other potential issues caused by the tumor. He has undergone countless MRI’s, surgeries, sleep studies, and chemotherapy. Since ending his chemotherapy in August of 2013, his scans have shown tumor growth, edema, and risk of hydrocephalus. Over the summer of 2014 Noah actually developed hydrocephalus and required a shunt placement. He was also intubated and on a ventilator for weeks. Noah still requires a trach and night time ventilator support. We pray for comfort and strength for Noah and his family.
photography by Brittany Wilbur


Remembering Natalie

Today we remember Sweet Natalie. We send our most heart felt condolences to Natalie’s loved ones.
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Neymar : Down Syndrome, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Congenital Heart Defect

Neymar was born with down syndrome and congenital heart defect. On March 10, 2014 Neymar was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and immediately began an intense chemotherapy. His inpatient stays were roughly 3 weeks long (for chemotherapy treatment). Then he got a break and gets to go home for about 5-7 days before he had to get admitted again. Neymar was a brave little fighter and is now cancer free!
We are so proud of Ney and pray he continues to thrive!Neymer_6 Neymer_2 Neymer__8 Neymer_3 Neymer_4 Neymer_5photography by Brittany Wilbur

Bryer : Total Intestinal Aganglionosis

Bryer was born with Total Intestinal Aganglionosis. An extremely rare disease occurring in less than one in a million children. He lacks nerve cells in both his large and small intestine. Because of this he cannot eat and pass food like we do. He survives by receiving IV nutrition through a central line placed in his heart, has a gtube, and a jejunostomy with 15cm of small bowel. He is a fighter, having 4 major abdominal surgeries. His parents were encouraged to withdrawal all care when Bryer was born. They could not let that happen. Together they fight for their strong boy, researching and finding the best care possible.
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photography by Carrie Anne Miranda

Crystal : Angelman Syndrome

Crystal is a wonderfully happy little “Angel” Crystal was born with a genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome that primarily effects her nervous system. Crystal is nonverbal and she is unable to walk or sit up unless she is assisted. Crystal is g-tube feed, this is a tube inserted through a small incision in the abdomen into the stomach and is used for long-term enteral nutrition.
Crystal has a large family and is absolutely adored by her siblings. She is a blessing to so many- please join us in blessing Crystal and her family by sending some encouraging words her way!

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photography by Jennifer Eileen Photography

Kathryn : Cerebral Palsy, Spastic Diplegia, Hydrocephalus

Kathryn was born at 23 weeks and was a triplet. Her two sisters did not survive. She weighed 1 pound 1 ounce and was cared for at Valley Children’s Hospital in the NICU for four and a half months. At two days old she suffered a right grade four and left grade three brain bleed. She developed hydrocephalus and has scarring on her brain. She is dependent on a shunt to help the fluid in her brain communicate. At age two she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia which affected her legs only. As a result of the brain bleeds and hydrocephalus, she has a vision impairment, speech delays, and requires leg braces and a walker to get around. She attends a special day class at a local elementary school where she received Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Kathryn is a beautiful, bubbly, feisty little girl. She has touched our lives in so many ways and is very loved!
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photography by Carina Dunmore

Khloe: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Sweet Khloe has been through so much more than most children her age. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and has braved numerous pricks, procedures, and infections. Khloe is smart, silly and courageous! Let’s all send this beauty some love!

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photography by Carrie Anne Miranda


John : Cerebral lipidoses, recurrent seizures

John is an extremely strong, loving and sweet little boy. John has Cerebral lipidoses and recurrent seizures. His condition continues to worsen as his seizures increase. As a result of John’s disease, he has nearly lost his sight and requires a helmet to protect him from his seizures.
Please join Sweet Nectar Society in encouraging John and his family.

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photography by Brittany Wilbur

Session Info


•A free photography session

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake book

•A platform to raise awareness

•Story shared for support


Provides documentary type photography session to patients currently admitted to the hospital.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo


Portrait session events designed to raise awareness to a specific diagnosis, build community, and celebrate Sweeties.

•A digital gallery of images

•A keepsake photo

(559)408.5969 | info@sweetnectarsociety.org

Sweetly rooted in California