Stevie is such a friendly 11 year old boy. He is very social and finds joy in making others happy. He is am amazing older brother to his 6 younger siblings. Stevie was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy when he was four years old.
DMD is progressive genetic disorder that causes muscle degeneration and weakness. In early years DMD affects muscles in the hips, shoulders and later affects the voluntary muscles like legs, arms and core. By early teenage years the heart and respiratory muscles are affected.
Stevie has lost the ability to walk and is now in a wheelchair full time. Dancing is one of his favorite things to do but because of the weakness in his muscles it is getting difficult for him to move his body. Recently he has started having difficulty lifting his arms to feed himself.
Stevie’s favorite superhero is Spiderman- many who know him see STEVIE as their hero. His ability to face each day with a smile and positive outlook is the most powerful of all abilities!
We love Stevie and want him to know just how incredible he is!