When Arshveer was 10 months old his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent chemo, radiation and a double mastectomy. She had not yet finished her treatment when their families worst nightmare became a reality. Their youngest son was diagnosed with cancer.Arshveer’s was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, cancer of the eye muscle. Before getting a diagnosis his parents had taken him to the doctor numerous times for a swollen eye and each time they were sent home being advised to just give him Benadryl. His parents knew something was not right after his eye remained swollen, so they took him to Valley Children’s and he was diagnosed with cancer. They immediately began treatment.Arshveer’s mother knew she could not care for her baby the way he needed her if she was so sick with her own cancer treatment. A testament to a mothers love- she stopped treatment to ensure she could dedicate herself to caring for Arshveer. It was devastating for her to know first hand the pain his little body was enduring with each treatment. Yet both mother and father stayed strong and dedicated to caring for Arshveer and their family during this time.Arshveer was cancer free and in remission and then relapsed again with more cancer behind his eyes. It was difficult to find a medical team who was able to conduct the surgery to remove the cancer but by the grace of God they found someone, the surgery was conducted and once again this strong little boy is cancer on the road to recovery. He has a long battle ahead of him but with the love of his family and friends, we pray he heals quickly.