photography with a purpose

Sweet Nectar Society provides cost-free photography sessions to children with complex medical needs. It is our mission to encourage, celebrate, and advocate for our Sweeties through the art of photography.

our story

Sweet Nectar Society was created by photographers Brittany Wilbur and Carrie Anne Miranda. The duo was inspired to begin this project after experiencing health battles with their own children. Both photographers discovered the healing power photography brought to their families and wanted to share that with others in their community.

β€œThese photos mean more to us than anything in the world.β€œ

Sweet Nectar Society took flight in 2011 and the team has since photographed over one thousand children throughout central California. Sweet Nectar's photographers take pride in capturing moments that will be cherish by families forever.

insta β€’ sweetness

follow us @sweetnectarsociety

session info

To nominate your Sweetie, please complete the contact form below and a member of our team will reach out with more session information. Once a session is scheduled, families will receive a photo gallery and photo keepsake. and the opportunity to share their Sweetie's story with Sweet Nectar Society's online community.

contact us

we'd love to hear from you!


*nominations are currently closed. Please check back for AVAILABILITY.


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Sweetly rooted in California